Workplace Lactation Week

September 1-7

Policy to Practice: Making Lactation Support a Reality was reated in 2023 and is celebrated annually from September 1-7. The observance celebrates the contributions of nursing mothers and parents in the workplace and aligns with Labor Day, highlighting the vital role working and pumping parents play in the workforce.​

Supporting breast/chestfeeding in the workplace impacts families in several key ways:

  • Health & Well-being: Chest/breastfeeding offers unparalleled health benefits for babies, enhancing their immunity and overall development. For mothers, lactating reduces the risk of various health conditions such as ovarian, breast, and thyroid cancers, and promotes postpartum recovery.

  • Employee Retention & Satisfaction: Providing lactation support demonstrates care and commitment to employees, leading to higher job satisfaction and improved retention rates.

  • Increased Productivity: When nursing mothers and parents have access to comfortable and designated lactation spaces, they can express human milk efficiently and return to work with increased focus and productivity.

  • Legal Compliance: Complying with lactation support laws not only avoids penalties but also reinforces a company's commitment to ethical practices and inclusive family friendly policies.

Learn more about Workplace Lactation Week here, or visit their Facebook page for updates.

For additional resources and organizations, check out:

Image from Workplace Lactation Week’s Facebook page