Healthcare Provider Trainings

“I feel good when my doctor says, ‘Look, let's talk about breastfeeding because it's really important.’”

–Latina mother, from a recent series of interviews on Latina women’s breastfeeding experiences

In recent listening sessions, New Haven mothers shared that they want more providers to be knowledgeable about and support breast/chestfeeding. 

In response to this, the Task Force partnered with the Connecticut Department of Public Health and Connecticut Children’s Medical Center to identify pediatric clinics in New Haven that might be interested in participating in a one-hour Basics of Breastfeeding training. 

This training provides information on the benefits of breastfeeding, as well as challenges and solutions. Offices that complete the training will also receive information on becoming a Breastfeeding Friendly Physician Office.

The Basics of Breastfeeding

Are you interested in the Basics of Breastfeeding training for your office or an office that you know?

Based on feedback from the Task Force’s Community Advisory Board and community partners, the Task Force continued partnering with the Connecticut Department of Public Health and Connecticut Children’s Medical Center to create a follow-on module to the Basics of Breastfeeding training specifically focused on the Roots of Racial Inequities in Breastfeeding. This additional training features a history of breastfeeding within Black American communities, data highlighting national and state-wide racial disparities in breastfeeding, a review of findings from CARE’s Barrier Analysis with Black and African American mothers, a discussion of the differences between cultural competence and cultural humility, and a call to action for training participants. Task Force members have identified facilitators for the training and will soon partner with local healthcare providers to pilot this racial equity training

The Roots of Racial Inequities in Breastfeeding

Are you interested in the Roots of Racial Inequities in Breastfeeding training for your office or an office that you know?